Posts for: #Go

Go: Basics and a Dash of Clean Code

Go: Basics and a Dash of Clean Code

Welcome to guide on Go programming! Whether you’re beginner looking to grasp the basics of the language or an experience developer seeking to enhance your clean code skills, our blog has you covered. Explore the fundamentals of Go syntax and discover how to elevate your coding style with a touch of clean code principles.

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Go is a programming language that focuses on simplicity and speed. It’s simpler than other languages, so it’s quicker to learn. And it lets you harness the power of today’s multicore computer processor, so your programs run faster.

History of Go

Back in 2007, the search engine Google had a problem. They had to maintain programs with millions of line of code. Before they could test new changes, they had to compile the code into runnable form, a process which at the time took the better part of an hour. Needless to say, this was bad for developer productivity.

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