Posts for: #Go

Automate with Precision: Building Custom GitHub Actions

Automate with Precision: Building Custom GitHub Actions

After writing my Go Dash blog, I got an idea of whether I could push the same blog to Medium. I started looking for ways to automate this thing. I checked on the GitHub Marketplace for actions that can push content to Medium directly. I found the GitHub action hugo-to-medium by Prakhar Kaushik.

This GitHub action was good, but there were some issues. In Hugo, I mostly use shortcodes to showcase the sample codes, figures, and images. Another one is that it doesn’t remove any shortcodes. There was no way for me to remove this from the publishing process. So this issue inspired me to create my own GitHub action, which allows to:

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Go: Basics and a Dash of Clean Code

Go: Basics and a Dash of Clean Code

Welcome to guide on Go programming! Whether you’re beginner looking to grasp the basics of the language or an experience developer seeking to enhance your clean code skills, our blog has you covered. Explore the fundamentals of Go syntax and discover how to elevate your coding style with a touch of clean code principles.

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